Houston grand opera carmen review
Houston grand opera carmen review

It was especially fun for us to see Nathan Gunn in such a small venue, because we were about to see him in the title role of HGO's Sweeney Todd later in the same week. Last Monday, we attended the Houston Grand Opera Patrons Recital and saw Nathan Gunn, accompanied by Julie Jordan-Gunn, singing a wide variety of pieces, from operatic staples such as the Toreador song from Carmen and Papageno's suicide aria from The Magic Flute (spoiler alert: it has a happy ending) to western ballads and folk music, including "Home on the Range" and "Shenandoah". To Take a Dare - Crescent Dragonwagon & Paul Zindel.The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger.Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang.Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes - Chris Crutcher.The Library at Mount Char - Scott Hawkins.Dear Bill, Remember Me? And Other Stories - Norma Fox Mazer.The Chronoliths - Robert Charles Wilson.

Houston grand opera carmen review